Join me at Azuronet – Online Azure Meetup #19 webinar where I will present my session regarding:
Govern your guest accounts in Azure AD
The session will be delivered in polish language.
Event registration link:
Hello there,
[RZE-Online] Microsoft Tech / Microsoft 365 Regional Group – vol 10 finished which means I have presented my session about How to use Azure Identity Governance part 2
I’m thrilled to announce that I will be a speaker at the upcoming meetup – [RZE-Online] Microsoft Tech / Microsoft 365 Regional Group.
Save the date – 21.01.2021 and register under the meetup website!
Govern your guest accounts – How to use Azure Identity Governance part 2
Session description:
During my session, I will show what are the benefits of Azure Identity Governance implementation including Entitlement Management, Access Reviews, Privileged Identity Management