Hi There,
This will be the fourth and the last article from the Azure AD Identity Governance series.
And today, I would like to show you Privileged Identity Management (PIM).
Hi There,
This will be the fourth and the last article from the Azure AD Identity Governance series.
And today, I would like to show you Privileged Identity Management (PIM).
Hi There,
This will be the third article from the Azure AD Identity Governance series.
And today I would like to show you the Access Reviews from Azure AD Identity Governance perspective.
New week new article!
This will be the second article from the Azure AD Identity Governance series.
And today I would like to show you the Entitlement Management
Hello there,
[RZE-Online] Microsoft Tech / Microsoft 365 Regional Group – vol 10 finished which means I have presented my session about How to use Azure Identity Governance part 2
Hi There,
I’d like to walk you through the new series of articles regarding Azure AD Identity Governance (AIG)
This is the first article (out of 4) where I would like to show you the AIG, how to configure it and the use cases.